Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Three Tricks To Win Back Your Ex by Mark Myers

Every adult has lost a love to a breakup. If this is you, I bet countless people have told you how much better off you are and you should simply move on.

What if you don't like being the victim? What if you want your ex back in your life and are willing to work for it? What if you don't want to just move on?

Less than 10 percent of relationships can't be saved. The deck is stacked in your favor, if you are willing to do this right. The fact is you can get past what broke you up and can live happily ever after. The following tips will help you to get back my ex.

You need to understand what caused your ex to leave. The last thing that happened was probably a fight, an argument, a final straw. Chances are this is not the underlying cause. It is usually a combination of things over time that caused the rift. You are partially to blame. Both of you deserve some of the blame.

Most of the time it is not your actions but an attitude you display. Are you guilty of not listening? Did you take your ex for granted? Are you over critical? Are you too controlling? Do you regularly disrespect them or what they say? Hopefully you get the picture and idea here.

You can say you're sorry for an individual action, however this will not have the same effect of apologizing for the way you made your ex feel.

Here is an example. Would your ex be mad at you because you innocently flirted with another guy or girl, or would they be hurt by the fact that you doing so meant (to them) you have no respect for them?

You have to step into the mind of your ex and see things from their perspective. Which apology would be more likely to get back an ex? I'm sorry I was flirting, or I apologize for not considering how my actions made you feel unappreciated? You can be half way to winning your ex back if you get this right.

Next tip, be strong. This has nothing to do with the muscle tone. People are attracted to strong minds. Do not be needy. Although it may work very short term, no one wants someone who can't stand on their own two feet. We are not much different than animals when it comes to survival of the fittest. As a species, we are naturally attracted to people with a strong character. Not someone who is whiny, clingy and needy. We want a mate who can take care of themselves.

How many ladies are attracted to a complete wimp? How many men want a wife or future mother of your children that is unstable by themselves? We have all been wired from birth to seek this out. Nothing could make you more attractive to your ex than them believing are OK without them.

Lastly, jealousy is the one thing you can do that will ruin your chances of getting your ex back. This is one of the most used and most disaster ridden ploys you can try. Doing this is extremely transparent, and screams to your ex I have to have someone and I can't be alone. You run the real risk of either making them madder at you or glad they don't have to play your games anymore.

About the Author

These three tips are a taste of the help provided at the link below. Click on the link if you want toGet My Ex Back!

More useful tip, tricks, and advice on how to get my ex back.

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