Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Christian Marriage Relationship Solutions by Kenneth G. Dockins

Do changing times require an altered Christian marriage relationship solutions approach?

Is it really possible to invest your all into your Christian marriage relationship solution, that is, just as completely as you might devote your attentions and care to your husband or wife when you first met? Now you might recall how, in those days, you respected, trusted, and looked forward to each and every moment like a child entering an amusement park. Yet, so often in marriage relationship perspectives, and especially with Christian marriage relationship problems, the novelty of love, romance, and intimate encounter may transform to resentment, doubt, or boredom.

Truly, the pressures of economy and career lifestyle might inhibit our progress with Christian marriage relationship solutions. Yet, God asks us to hold on to His divine commandments. Above all, one that can help greatly is that we love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves. The gist of this nearly-forgotten guideline goes far deeper than today's Christian marriage relationship solution gives credit. Therein lays one highly compensatory answer, not only to the Christian marriage relationship problem itself, but also to peace and tranquility that extends to our fellow brethren across the skies, oceans, and mountains of faraway continents.

Mutual affection and absolution can endure, above all things, and this remains one complementary alternative to Christian marriage relationship problems.

Here is what the Christian marriage relationship solution WAS supposed to be...

God intended for human beings to bond and connect with each other, in addition to our divine link with Him. He therefore introduced other Christian partners into our world so that we experience the joy of that totally inclusive connection... with Him, with our Christian spouse, and with ourselves. And the bond goes beyond even that, by including our brethren around the world.

And, now, here is how the Christian marriage relationship solution has TRULY transformed...

The intended journey of a man and woman to walk together through life's ups and downs takes second place, in many cases, to the fulfilling of ones own personal needs and desires. Couple this with the fact that pressures for career advancement and family provisions keep raising. Then, it becomes much easier to see that... remaining together, collectively working, and successfully surviving as a team makes its contest well known.

The Fundamental Christian Marriage Relationship Solution

Regardless of how busy you may become these days, it remains utterly important for you to stop and consider why uncovering your unique Christian marriage relationship solution brings you immeasurable value.

It may help when you think of a Christian marriage relationship solution as a tool... one that you can use to create, shape, or refine the cracks, crevices, and imperfections of daily life. In that, your ultimate Christian marriage relationship solution provides solace, a point of both protection and safety, plus a place of contentment, peace, and resolve for both partners to enjoy.

With your best Christian marriage relationship solution, you have the added advantage of being able to exchange wisdom mutually with your spouse. In other words, both are supposed to establish an atmosphere of mutual learning. Being partners to God's will, that is one of His expectations, as well... that you grow in Christ, and all of us are part of His body.

In summary, maintaining mutual respect, devotion with tenderness, plus an attitude of support in finding or maintaining your Christian marriage relationship solution... poses an enduring test. Some ways to handle this challenge exist in the content written above. Yet, here is an additional tip for your Christian marriage relationship solution, you may find helpful - "repeated embrace." This is more than merely the physical kind. Such an embrace within the bounds of your unique Christian marriage relationship solution should emit, display, or indicate that you consciously intend to overcome life's hurdles, on a one by one basis.

Scriptural guidelines for happy Christian marriage relationship solutions remain clear. You only need to follow them - and that is, by far, your greatest trial.

About the Author

Kenneth G. Dockins is a dedicated Christian life coach with worldwide experience. Click here for helpful Christian marriage relationship solutions.

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