Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How To Romance After Marriage by Francis K. Githinji

After marriage things seem to settle into a routine and if you both do not watch out, one or both the partners might get bored and might even consider cheating on their spouse for that extra excitement and adventure that they are not getting from their married life. It is even worse when there are children involved and the mother or father have to concentrate on the children and less on themselves. The secret to any successful marriage is romance and taking each other first way before the children. After all, you were there long before they came into the picture and it will only be fair if you make time for your partner and then the children later, romance after marriage is very important.

To make sure there is romance after marriage, you should never stop doing the things you used to do before you got married and along came the children. If you used to go out go, please continue. Go to as many romantic places as you can. Children can never be a problem and as much as you think you need to be there all the time for them you do not. You can ask your sister or brother to look out for them and go to a romantic restaurants. It will only take some few hours. While there try not to worry about the children, let this time be about you and your partner. Leave an emergency number for the person taking care of them to call if you simply cannot leave. Don't wait for the phone to ring. Things can't just go wrong because you stepped out for a few hours. So relax.

Before you got married you used to touch your partner all the time and hug them. What could have possibly changed that you do not want to touch them again. Touching people goes a long way in saying you do not like them. Even if you do not think your partner notices, you should continue touching and hugging your partner. That way, you will be communicating to them that they are the ones you still love and the one you want to still touch and hug. Romance after marriage should never stop. When you come back from work say halloo and show enthusiasm of seeing your partner. No matter how tired you are you should be happy to see your partner. You used to be happy to see them before you got married. Be happy to see them now that you are married.

Tell one another that you love each other. No matter how long you have stayed married to a person, they still need to be told they are loved. Do not make it a habit of saying you the love the person in a hurried manner until the words do not have any meaning. Say it like you mean it and if possible, say it with your eyes. The eyes are very good communicators and if you really meant what you said, your eyes would tell. This are just but a few things that you should do with your spouse that are very important that some people ignore. Marriage is forever, try to make it a wonderful experience and not to stop romance after marriage.

About the Author

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest ProjectRomance After Marriage Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Romance After Marriage

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