Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stop a Divorce - 3 Giant Mistakes Not to Make when trying to Stop a Divorce by Lisa Dosett

Getting your ex back and trying to stop a divorce seem hard to most people. I’m happy to report that it’s much simpler then you might think. But there are 3 mistakes you must never make.

At first you might think these are the right things to do. But watch out. If you make these errors, your relationship will become much harder to fix. Read this short article and learn what these mistakes are, and how to prevent making them.

First of all, don’t come across as desperate. Human nature tends to go toward things that are positive, and to avoid things that are negative. If you show your ex that you’re needy, or too desperate to get back with them, you’ll send out a very undesirable vibe. Your ex will feel an urge to resist instead of feeing attracted to you. This is a time for you to step back from the relationship a little, and relax. .

Next, never try to blackmail them. Threatening to tell your partners secrets to others will never help your situation. In fact, it will make chances of stopping a divorce more difficult. People enter into a relationship seeking trust, love and support. If your ex feels they’re being blackmailed or threatened, then trust is destroyed.

Finally, don’t waste your time telling them how much you’ve changed. First of all, nobody ever changes overnight. Change takes time, and you both know this. Besides, you know that it’s not words, but actions that count. Just be patient, and let your ex discover how you’ve changed instead of talking about it.

Also, if you would like to learn a set of powerful techniques that will stop a divorce and have your ex begging to get back with you, please stop by my website RELATIONSHIP 911. I would like to share an easy success formula that will allow you to repair your relationship, no matter how hopeless it seems.

Wishing you success as you win back the love of you life, Lisa Dosett

About the Author

Lisa Dosett is a counselor and relationship coach. She has helped hundreds of individuals and couples through her newsletters and website RELATIONSHIP 911

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